We provide the consulting services

Carbon Offset

Based on Client’s need, we search and identify the potential emission projects and develop them in reality. All our projects adhere to internationally recognised standards for emissions reduction projects and are audited regularly by independent third-party organisations to ensure the additionality and environmental integrity of projects.

Carbon Offset

We can provide you with carbon credits that adhere to UNFCCC approved (CER), Gold Standard and Verified Carbon Standard (VCS Verra) among many others

Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint or GHG Inventory is the total amount of Green House Gases (GHGs) released into the atmosphere due to a particular anthropogenic (human) activity normalized according using the Green House Warming potential values of the GHGs.

Designing and developing carbon emission reduction projects

It would be natural for such actors to first look for economical solutions to abate their emissions. Generally, the first step is to optimize internal processes to reduce emission and carbon intensity of their products and services.

Designing and developing carbon emission reduction projects

After a certain level of abatement, further reduction of emission is not economically feasible, that's when Carbon Offset can help such actors bridge the gap in reaching their carbon neutrality ambitions